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Rebranding Reports / Partner Customization O Statistics Report: List of all statistics retrieved from scannerĦ. O Validation Report: Printout of scanned data can include non-printable characters O Inventory Report: List of scanners configured and their asset tracking information O Activity Report: List of activities performed on a scanner(s) within a screen session

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O Parameter Report: List of parameters programmed within a configuration file


Firmware upgrade of scanners via a standard USB cable Program Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) RulesĤ. O Maintain a library of configuration files by saving files to your PC.ģ. O Supported programming modes from a configuration file include Generation of an electronic configuration file It can also upgrade scanner firmware, automatically check online to enable support for newly released products,generate a single 2D barcode for one scan programming and stage large numbers of scanners simultaneously via USB hub(s). It can display, optimize and save pictures froman imager scanner. Additionally 123Scan can display scanned barcode data including non-printable characters. Report options includeparameters, asset tracking (inventory) information and a validation of scanned data. 123Scan can generate multiple reports that can be easily rebranded using Microsoft Word and Access. Once parameters are set, the values are saved to aconfiguration file that can be distributed via email, electronically downloaded via USB cable or used to generate a sheet of programmingbar codes that can be scanned. 123Scan uses a wizard tool to guide users through a streamlined set up process.

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Zebra 123Scan2 Scanner Configuration Utility Description Executive Overview123Scan is an easy-to-use, PC-based software tool that enables the quick and easy set-up of Zebra scanners.

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