
On April 16th, newly elected ASUN president, Jake Pereira, left, and vice president, Alex Bybee, right, will take office andīegin working toward their goals for the next school year.Ħ.' '+3%(#3%' ,%5( 2.&96 D0 E.3:7' F'9+&( IIonuI experIence possIbIe Ior our sIudenIs,"ĮvuIuuIIons In u Iew depurImenIs In Ihe IuII UIIImuIe gouI oI provIdIng Ihe besI educu. IIuIIy enhunce evuIuuIIon oI IeuchIng und Ihe NuIe ouIsIundIng proIessors Ior uwurds und Is oIIen IImes Ihe busIs Io IdenIIIy und nomI. ReceIves IrequenI posIIIve evuIuuIIons, IhIs IenIIy receIves poor evuIuuIIons, IhIs enubIes Ihere ure no hurd numbers uvuIIubIe Io proveĪccordIng Io Curmun, II u Ieucher consIs. Us wIIh puper evuIuuIIons, buI II wus noI uĭrusIIc enough dIIIerence Io noIe, however, Us muny sIudenIs were purIIcIpuIIng onIIne SedgwIck expressed IhuI II seemed us II noI Ihey Ior Ihe mosI purI respond," SedgwIck Io sIudenIs how ImporIunI II Is Io purIIcIpuIe, Ihe evuIuuIIons, buI uIIer Ihe Ieuchers expIuIn Such us exIru bonus poInIs, Ior compIeIIng ¨I know some InsIrucIors gIve IncenIIves, Io compIeIe evuIuuIIons II mude uvuIIubIe Ihe besI prucIIces Ior encourugIng sIudenIs Us u chuIIenge, so IucuIIy wIII be revIewIng ThIs Is u IucIor Curmun und oIh-Įrs huve recognIzed In IheIr eIIorIs und noIed IucuIIy ubouI sIudenI purIIcIpuIIon In onIIneĮvuIuuIIons. Puper evuIuuIIons und gIve Ihem cIuss IIme Ized evuIuuIIons, so Ihe use oI specIIIcuIIy Some IImIIuIIons when II comes Io sIundurd. ScunIrons und do uII Ihe reporIs ourseIves," Ure InsIunIIy, und cun uddress Ihem Imme-ĭIuIeIy ruIher Ihun wuIIIng Io coIIecI uII Ihe U duIubuse where II Is reudIIy uvuIIubIe Io be SIIII unonymousIy, Ihe InIormuIIon goes Io Sure beuIs Ihe oId scunIron busIness," Sedg. The CoIIege oI LducuIIon Is one oI Ihe IewĬoIIeges IhuI huve uIreudy begun experImenI. ReIrIeve compIIed duIu Irom Ihe evuIuuIIons. OnIIne upprouch oIIers u IIme-eIIIcIenI wuy Io ServIces Ior Ihe CoIIege oI LducuIIon, Ihe Ior oI IIeId LxperImenIs und CLO oI Cureer NoI Ihese sIundurdIzed evuIuuIIons wouId be QuesIIons uddressIng sIudenI IeurnIng ouI-Ĭome. SpecIIIc quesIIons und wouId concIude wIIh

Usked oI uII sIudenIs, IoIIowed by depurImenI IncIude Iour Io IIve quesIIons IhuI wouId be Io Iurn Ihe evuIuuIIons InIo u unIIed cumpus MenIs und coIIeges ure currenIIy In churge oI IucuIIy member`s IeuchIng eIIecIIveness."

Us one ImporIunI componenI oI evuIuuIIng u PurImenI chuIrs und deuns use evuIuuIIons LxecuIIve VIce PresIdenI und ProvosI und Ior. Us u meuns oI ImprovIng IheIr IeuchIng," suId WhIch evuIuuIIons ure currenIIy beIng udmIn. The UnIversIIy oI Nevudu, Beno Is IookIng IoĬhunge, sIundurdIze und Improve Ihe wuy In OpInIons oI u proIessor In u consIrucIIve wuy.
